Forearm Strike/Shoulder Lock
This is the first motion (that is initially taught)
as being side dependent (ie. It makes a difference whether the
uke strikes with the Right, or the Left hand). The
description is identical, except the applied technique will
require/consider which of the tori's hands will be considered either
the forward, or rear hand (during technique's
For this explanation, the tori's Right hand, will be
considered to be the dominant side, with the Left being the
non-dominant side.
Practice of the motion begins with the tori and the uke
standing “face to face”, at an arm's length distance from each
other (confirmed, by the tori placing his hand on the shoulder of the
uke to establish proper practice “distance”).
Practice is began with both parties having their hands
at their sides. When the uke begins their (Right hand,
in this example) strike motion, the tori should motion their
same-side hand straight up , until the forearm is
(essentially) vertical, and continues in an arcing
motion (medially) across and downward ( parrying the uke's
strike with it's motion), towards the opposite side, moving the
striking hand towards waist level. The
tori's other hand, should be raised to strike the uke's
(striking) arm above their elbow.
Contact is made
slightly above the elbow (causing the uke's arm to bend).
The tori's (initially) "parrying" hand, will motion the
uke's parried hand, towards the uke (thereby moving the uke's
previously parried hand towards themselves) which aids
in bending the uke's arm (using the tori's forward hand as a
fulcrum to do so). The tori's rear (closest to themselves)
hand will continue with it's motion by releasing it's contact with
the parried forearm, then raising, until that hand can wrap
behind, and above the uke's (originally) punching arm's
elbow (enacting an elbow-lock on the punching arm). As
this is accomplished, the tori will withdraw their Right arm (which
can be utilized for various optional (applications). As the tori's
forward hand is withdrawn from the uke's punching elbow (and
replaced by their Left hand),
it will circle the uke's elbow (upward, and being done
on the tori's side of the captured uke's arm) and tori has the option
of either following up with assisting the elbow-lock
(which should now be in place to do so), or with
executing a Neck-strike to
the Right-side of the
now exposed uke's neck.
To enact the "elbow-lock", the tori need only raise their
own left elbow (creating pressure upon the uke's shoulder joint).
This action will cause the uke to bend forward, and allow the uke to
motion their body to cause the uke to colapse (to their knee's).
Note should be made of the uke's responses (body-motion,
knee-buckle etc.) in reaction to the application of the
If the tori placed their "wrapped" hand
(instead of being correctly "above" the uke's elbow, has
located it closer to the uke's shoulder, the tori should
utilize their free hand, and drag the hand down closer to the uke's
elbow. Doing so, does several things. First, it correctly positions
the hand, second, the dragging motion activates nerves that assist in
relaxing, and bending the uke's elbow.
Though initially practiced as a "side-directed"
motion (Left or Right), the motion can remain to be a viable
defensive response.
If the uke's arm motion is reversed (and were
mistakenly assumed to be the uke's use of the Right
arm, and they instead utilized their Left arm to
perform the strike), the tori's defensive application is (initially)
executed slightly different.
The tori's arm motions begin the same as before,
but (having realized the mistake made) the tori's Left
hand (now) motion's towards the uke's mid-section, performing
a downward (shuto-like/side-slap?) scooping strike to
the the uke's solar plexus region. The tori's Right hand, motions up
and forward (thereby)
creating an fprward parry (to only slightly deflect the
uke's now striking Left hand). The tori's Right hand should
then circle the uke's Left (striking) hand/arm (which will
motion that arm downward, and across the tori's body)
to the tori's Left (lower) side. The tori's Left hand should have
(during this transition) grabbed the uke's Left wrist,
while their Right hand motioned (circled?) to a vertical
attitude (as it was when first beginning the parry), which
should have placed the back of that hand's arm, against the
uke's lower tricep muscle's tendon (into a standard arm-bar
Once both parties are confident with the actions
being learned, then the tori will include a straight kick in
combination with the beginning motions, or prior to a take-down
attempt.. Doing so, will (often) amplify the effects of the uke's
body motion, and/or the applied technique (depending upon the timing
of the kick's application).
There are multiple follow-ups available, and
student's should be encouraged to experiment with discovering “what”
would work best for them (be it Tuite, arm-locks or strikes)
for use in varying circumstances.
Practice (as always) should begin at a slow
speed, until the tori is confident with the required actions, and the
uke is made aware of the tori's planned actions (to
assist in preventing accidental injury) Practice speed can be
increased, so long as both parties are comfortable with doing
It should be remembered, that the primary goal (of
any defensive action) is to first, prevent the user
(tori) from being struck. We have student's practice these
techniques to familiarize them with the various (options available
for) possible responses and that may be applicable to them. None,
are necessarily any better, than another. Individual circumstance,
and comfort of execution should determine a student's preference.
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